Alovia clinic was conceptualized by Dr. Naren Prakash, an accomplished Dermatologist with the finest education and rich experience of 10 years. Alovia has the latest equipment and experienced staff, and this coupled with Dr. Naren’s expertise makes it the best choice to avail dermatological care that you truly deserve.
GO to youtubePublication in IJT titled “An unusual pattern of alopecia”. in IJDVL “Three cases of suspected chloracne in a family from Pune”. published on Psoriasis “A case control study of prevalence of metabolic syndrome as per the NCEP and IDF definitions vis-a-vis severity and duration of psoriasis in a semi-urban Maharashtrian population". in DYPJ “Lingering immune dysregulation of inflammatory dermatoses, particularly psoriasis, probably drives metabolic syndrome culminating in cardiovascular damage and needs preventive public health guidelines as well as comprehensive management”.;year=2016;volume=9;issue=2;spage=168;epage=176;aulast=SharmaOral Paper presentation on “Tuberous Xanthomas” at Pune. out to us for any dermatological concerns and let our team of experts help you out.